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The Vegan Diet: A How To For The Whole Family
Whether you went vegan for ethical reasons, your health, or maybe even the environment, you may be wondering how does veganism fit into the family household. Is a vegan family even possible? Yes, and here's how.
Beauty From The Inside Out
What To Eat Before A Work Out
Today I want to address your pre-workout meal and how that can potentially have a massive effect on performance, recovery and your general feeling during the workout.
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Boost Your Metabolism With Healthy Fats
Most of us know that the essential fatty acids are good for us. They come top of the must-have list for many health savvy people because of the impressive range of body and brain benefits. Indeed, they are not an optional extra in your diet. They are called the essential fatty acids because they are just that, essential.
Amanda Hamilton's Top Tip's For Beating The Bikini Bloat
The summer is all about feeling good, looking good and hopefully, enjoying a well-earned break. Most of us know how to get in shape for the beach or boardwalk, we just need to find the willpower to do it! However, sometimes no matter how much effort you put into diet and exercise, there’s still a worry about bloating.