Back To Basics: How Are ALA & LA Used In The Body?

You might have heard of ALA and LA. If you have or you haven't, in this blog,  we’re going to...

The Role Of Omega 3 In Eye Health

Most people know Omega 3 as a brain-boosting nutrient, but it is so much more than that. Many people don’t realise that Omega 3 can actually play an important role in keeping your eyes healthy. In this post, we’ll explain a little bit about how Omega 3 can help you to keep your eyes in tip-top condition.

Is Blue Light Detrimental to Eye Health

As digital screens have become a more significant part of our lives, you might have started hearing about the effects of 'blue light'. People, most often, talk about how it interrupts your sleep patterns. However, the impact of blue light goes beyond interrupted sleep..

The Udo's Choice Story

The Udo's Choice story and how he came to develop his flax oil-based blend. Udo Erasmus is an international authority on fats, oils, cholesterol and human health.

The Stress, Sleep, Immunity Connection

Life can be stressful enough, without worrying about getting a proper, restful nights sleep. Let us guide you through some of the information on the links between stress, sleep & immunity, and then give you some practical tips on how you can apply this knowledge to your life.

The Best 8 Apps To Help Deal With Stress

Since no one is going to be giving up their phone anytime soon, let’s explore some apps you can download to help you deal with the stress in your life and turn your phone back into a source of happiness...