The Udo's Choice Story

The Udo's Choice story and how he came to develop his flax oil-based blend. Udo Erasmus is an international authority on fats, oils, cholesterol and human health.

Natural Remedies for Healthy Digestion

The health of your gut can affect an amazing array of systems in your body, but knowing how to look after your digestive system can be hard. So, here’s all the things you need to know....

Should We Cleanse?

The idea of doing a cleanse or a detox is that you temporarily make a drastic change to your diet so that your body can flush out all the toxins it has accumulated so that it can then heal its self. But is this really the case?

How To Begin Your Gluten-free Journey

  So, you think you might be sensitive to gluten? Now what? Surely this means a list of difficult changes...

Does Good Gut Health Mean Good Health?

We’ve all heard about gut health and how it is important to our overall wellbeing, but it can be confusing knowing exactly what gut health means and how to achieve it. If you’re wondering why it’s important, and how to improve yours, then read on...

The Best Fermented Foods For Gut Health

If you are looking for ways to promote a healthy gut and just feel better all-round, then introducing more fermented foods is an easy option.