Tuesday, 19 March, 2019

Getting Started. Essential Nutrition

Your body needs a wide range of nutrients to function at its best, and the simplest way to achieve this is to ensure you eat natural foods from all the main food groups in the right proportions. Here are some expert tips from Nutritionist Amanda Hamilton to help you succeed



Tip #1 break mindless shopping

Your shopping basket should be brimming with fresh vibrant foods and essentials, such as vegetables, fats, fruits, proteins and carbohydrates. Keeping the right foods in your fridge and cupboards will keep you on the right track.


Tip #2 eat healthy meals

Ensure that all your meals contain foods as close to their natural state as possible. This means ditching the chemical-laden packaged foods. An easy way to visualise a nutrient-rich diet is simply to look for colour - ditch the beige and eat a rainbow.


Tip #3 hydrate naturally

Try to drink nearly 2 litres of fresh water on a daily basis. Water or herbal teas are best when it comes to staying healthy and hydrated - some coconut water drinks are another great healthy option.


Tip #4 choose the right fats

Polyunsaturated fats like Ultimate Oil Blend should never be heated, and should be enjoyed cold. For foods that require a cooking oil (sweet potato wedges, scrambled eggs, etc) use a more saturated fat like Coconut Oil, Milk Ghee, Lard, Virgin Olive Oil. The more saturated a fat, the more suitable it is for cooking at a high temperature. Stay away from bland, cheap, refined vegetable oils that have had the life stripped out of them.

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