Tuesday, 19 March, 2019

The Carb Addiction Cycle

When Udo Erasmus visited the UK he was asked: "As we seem to be getting heavier as a population how could increasing our fat intake possibly help?"



Udo Erasmus' answer:

Fats don’t make you fat, carbohydrates make you fat. Eating carbs causes high blood sugar and secretion of insulin which gives a short burst of energy followed by a slump (often causing a slump in mood too!) caused by low blood sugar. Low blood sugar is the main reason for cravings that make people over eat. Carbs can of course be burned off with exercise but with our predominantly sedentary lifestyles many of us do not get the exercise we need to burn off all the carbs. People talk about different types of carbohydrate but for me there are only two types of carbs – “good carbs” – those you burn and “bad carbs” – those you don’t. Evidently, we have the “Carb addiction cycle

The Carb Addiction Cycle” is just as powerful as the addiction to heroin and cocaine. To get off this addiction, like any other addiction, you have to go ‘cold turkey’ – but in cutting out carbs you lose your fuel source. If your fuel is not coming from carbohydrates it’s got to come from fats and it is these fats that will help you to break the cycle and support you in losing weight.


How does this work?

Omega 3’s in particular turn on the fat burning mechanism in the body and turn off the fat production mechanism so make sure you turn to a good source of Omega Oils. Good Omega oils also increase thermogenesis (body heat) which means you burn fat off as heat too!

In addition, fats keep you feeling fuller for longer and sustain energy levels without peaks and troughs so remove the cravings that make regular dieting so difficult.

If you have been successful in losing weight and have used Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend to help please send us your story / testimonial to info@udoschoice.co.uk

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