The Benefits of Omega 3 & The Menopause
Friday, 12 February, 2021

The Benefits of Omega 3 & The Menopause

As any woman that has previously been through, or is currently going through the menopause will likely confirm, it can be a challenging time to say the least! Despite the challenges, it’s a perfectly natural process that the majority of women will have to go through and although small, there are some adjustments that can be made to help relieve some of the discomforting effects of menopause.

One nutrient that can help with relieving symptoms associated with menopause is omega 3. The benefits of omega 3 are wide ranging and we know how essential it is to our daily lives and it could also greatly help reduce symptoms for women going through menopause. 

What is the Menopause?

To put it simply, the menopause is when a woman stops having periods and is no longer able to release eggs. The perimenopause describes the transitional phase around menopause and indicates when changes start to happen. The transition to menopause is different for every woman, but the whole process usually occurs between the ages of 45-55 and lasts around 5-10 years. 

During this period of time, women undergo several hormonal changes as oestrogen and progesterone levels start to drop. Symptoms such as mood swings, hot sweats, decreased sex drive and sleeping troubles are all common, and it can be overwhelming to deal with if these issues start affecting your quality of life. Thankfully, with the right diet, lifestyle and additional nutritional support, you can help keep on top of the way you feel. 

If you want to find out more detailed information regarding the menopause, you can visit our sister site and read the Cleanmarine Menopause blog.  

How Can Diet Affect the Menopause? 

If you are one of the many women going through menopause, you may be thankful to hear that eating certain types of food can help to relieve some of the associated symptoms! Depending on the type of diet you eat, you may be more or less susceptible to certain symptoms. For example, women who have consistently eaten lower-fat diets and more plant-based foods have been less likely to experience symptoms such as hot flushes as they haven’t felt the effects of estrogen levels dropping as much as women who have been consistently eating a higher fat diet. According to studies, women from Asian countries such as China, Japan and Singapore have been less prone to experiencing certain symptoms because of local diets. 

How does Omega 3 affect the Menopause? 

The wonders of omega 3 are known to be broad and it can positively affect many areas of your health. Adding more omega 3 rich foods such as oily fish into your diet helps your body to produce the necessary hormones it needs, and as menopause directly affects your hormone levels, this can be very beneficial. Diets containing more oily fish have been proven to typically alleviate the symptoms of menopause. The diets of Japanese women typically include around 100g of oily fish a day, and their levels of omega 3 intake is much higher when compared to that of the average UK diet. As mentioned, the symptoms of menopause are typically considerably lower amongst women from Asian countries including Japan which shows how much of an impact their daily diet has. 

Omega 3 has been reported to have a positive impact on both physical and mental issues brought on by menopause. Omega 3 can reportedly help with issues such as joint pain, cramping, mood swings and hot flushes. If you are being affected by any of these issues, then it could be worth including more omega 3 in your daily diet to see if it has any effect. Oily fish such as salmon, sardines and anchovies are the best sources of omega 3, however, you can also choose to use supplements such as Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend, which can be added to regular meals to give you an additional boost of omega 3 along with other vital fatty acids. 

What Other Nutrients Can Help with Menopause Symptoms? 

In addition to omega 3, vitamin D can help alleviate some symptoms associated with the menopause. Vitamin D can be crucial for strengthening your bones and  helping to lower the risk of developing osteoporosis which is a potential symptom you'll be at higher risk of during the menopause. 

Going through the menopause can be a challenging time for women, so try not to feel disheartened if you are being affected by it. If you are looking to alleviate symptoms, try getting more omega 3 and vitamin D in your daily diet and be sure to exercise daily as well as avoiding anything which can make the symptoms worse. 

We also have some really great blogs on our sister site, Cleanmarine, so go check out their Menopause page

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