Benefits of Exercising on Your Period

For a long time, the common feeling has been that exercising whilst on your period isn’t recommended. However, perception is starting to change and there could actually be some benefits to working out whilst menstruating. We delve into them here...

Natural Ways To Address PMS?

PMS includes a range of both emotional and physical symptoms that are associated with a woman’s menstrual cycle. All women have different experience, but here we share some natural ways which could help address PMS 

How To Help Balance Hormones Naturally

There is no ‘cure’ for PMS and symptoms can fluctuate during a woman’s lifetime (starting at puberty and ending at menopause). Medical advice often tells women to take painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol to address their symptoms.

What To Do About Low Testosterone

Testosterone is important for men to function well physically, mentally, and emotionally. When testosterone levels dip below normal, we start to see some dysfunction in each of these areas.

Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Tired all the time? Irregular periods? Unexplained weight gain? Rosie Millen, also known as Miss Nutritionist gives you her top tips for balancing your hormones


Gut Health And Female Hormones

Mastering hormones at every stage of life: teens, new mums and menopause. Your gut health is vital to your overall health. The health of your digestive system is especially connected to your hormone levels. At every stage of life your hormonal situation will present new challenges.