Are CBD Products Legal in Europe for 2020?
Tuesday, 10 March, 2020

Are CBD Products Legal in Europe for 2020?

As we move into 2020, we continue to be asked, is CBD legal and are CBD products legal in Europe? The short answer is yes, CBD is legal in Europe in 2020 – with a few exceptions, we’ll see below.
Slovakia is one of the only European countries explicitly making CBD (cannabidiol) illegal – see the link to the law below.

Since this question pops up quite frequently, we’ve decided to put together a quick-reference list for you, to help you become aware of the laws and strict regulations we at PharmaHemp operate under.

Let’s get started and take a quick look at the laws and figure out is CBD legal in Europe 2020, and where can you buy legal CBD products in Europe?

Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only. For any further clarification, please contact your local authority.

Where can I buy legal CBD oil in Europe in 2020?

PharmaHemp is an established CBD company producing high-quality, organic-hemp-derived products (with zero THC), compliant with the applicable EU legislation.

Along with the most common types of CBD oil tinctures, PharmaHemp provides several high-quality, laboratory-tested products, including:

  • CBD Drops.
  • CBD Extracts.
  • CBD Balms.
  • CBD Creams.
  • CBD Oral Care.

Is CBD legal and are CBD products legal in all European countries in 2020?

According to European Union (EU) legislation, hemp grown for “fiber” is legal if the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content does not exceed 0.2%.

This regulation was made clear and explicit in Council Regulation (EC) No 1672/2000 on July 27, 2000. (Link to regulation update).

What is hemp and the “fiber” contained within, and is CBD legal in Europe in 2020?

Hemp fiber can be employed in several useful products. It can be used to construct twine, filament, fabrics, foodstuff and dietary substances (including cellulose, lignin, and pectin), and much more.

Let’s take a look at the actual laws in each of the European countries to discover whether CBD products are legal in Europe in 2020?


The UK

Hemp CBD products are legal in the UK in 2020 only if the hemp CBD is sold and labelled as a food supplement while making no medicinal claims.

MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) made previous statements on products containing Cannabidiol (CBD). If hemp CBD products make medical claims, a marketing authorization license is required before it’s legal to sell CBD.

 Is CBD oil legal in the UK in 2020?

Yes. The MHRA does not explicitly ban CBD products labelled as a food supplement and therefore CBD is legal.

The Netherlands (Amsterdam)

 Amsterdam has a reputation for its tolerance of cannabis – in certain locations.

Hemp can only be grown for its fibers and seeds. If the CBD is extracted in the Netherlands, it’s a violation of the narcotics law.

Is CBD oil legal in the Netherlands?

Technically, cannabis genus extracts are not legal and fall under the Opium Law. However, since there’s no explicit ban on CBD (cannabidiol) it’s legal. CBD is tolerated with a THC level of up to 0.05%.


Austrian law restricts “psychotropic” cannabis with THC. Austria Narcotic Substances Act has no limitations on CBD.

Is CBD oil legal in Austria in 2020?

Yes. CBD is not psychotropic, making CBD legal in Austria.


 Is CBD oil legal in Belgium in 2020?

The Belgian Federal Drug Note restricts cannabis to a 3.5-gram limitation.

Since full cannabis is legal, up to 3.5 grams, CBD is legal in Belgium.


The Bulgarian Law On Control Of Narcotic Substances And Precursors states some restrictions on parts of cannabis. Reports state hemp with THC under 0.2% has “always” been legal in Bulgaria.

Is CBD oil legal in Bulgaria in 2020?

There are no explicit restrictions on hemp products, making CBD legal.


Croatian laws have allowed industrial hemp cultivation since 2012.

Is CBD oil legal in Croatia in 2020?

Yes. Industrial hemp CBD is legal if it has less than 0.2% THC.


Czech Republic

 The Czech Republic law places a hemp THC limit of 0.3% – to be legal.

Is CBD oil legal in the Czech Republic in 2020?

Yes. CBD is legal in the Czech Republic if it contains less than 0.3% THC.



The Danish law states cannabis is restricted to medical and scientific applications.

Is CBD oil legal in Denmark in 2020?

Current legislation requires a doctor’s note to use cannabis in any form. CBD in Denmark is only allowed if you have a doctor’s permission.


 Estonian law states that almost psychotropic drugs are illegal.

Is CBD oil legal in Estonia in 2020?

Yes. CBD is not psychotropic in any way and is not explicitly banned – making CBD legal in Estonia.


 Finish law reports psychoactive chemicals are mostly illegal.

Is CBD oil legal in Finland in 2020?

Yes. CBD is not psychoactive and is legal because CBD isn’t psychoactive.


According to the EIHA (European Industrial Hemp Association), industrial hemp laws state cultivating hemp rich in CBD is legal in France in 2020.

Is CBD oil legal in France in 2020?

Yes. CBD oil from hemp is legal in France if it contains less than 0.2% THC.


According to the German Narcotics Law, figuring out is CBD oil legal in Germany shows there’s no explicit ban on CBD (cannabidiol).

Yes. CBD oil is legal in Germany in 2020 due to no explicit law stating it’s illegal. Cannabis with more than 0.2% THC, however, is illegal.


Greek law states hemp CBD is excluded from drug control.

Is CBD oil legal in Greece in 2020?

Yes. CBD is legal in Greece if there’s less than 0.2% THC.


 Hungarian law states cannabis containing less than 0.2% THC is legal hemp.

Is CBD oil legal in Hungary in 2020?

Yes. Hungarian laws don’t explicitly ban CBD, making CBD legal in Hungary.


Are CBD products legal in Ireland in 2020? Irish law states cannabis with 0.2% THC is legal.

Is CBD oil legal in Ireland in 2020?

Yes. CBD oil with less than 0.2% THC is allowed under EU law and does not have an explicit ban.


Italy, in the early 1940s, was the 2nd-largest hemp producer, next to the Soviet Union. In 2017, Italian law number 242 was passed to bring hemp cultivation back.

Is CBD oil legal in Italy in 2020?

Law number 242 intends to bring back hemp cultivation and hemp products with less than 0.2% THC.


Are CBD products legal in Latvia in 2020? Latvian laws state cannabis is illegal for cultivation or growth. However, hemp seeds are allowed for the production of fibers and seeds.

Is CBD oil legal in Latvia in 2020?

Yes. CBD isn’t explicitly banned, making CBD legal in Latvia.


Lithuanian law states hemp cultivation was made legal in 2014.

Is CBD oil legal in Lithuania in 2020?

Yes. Hemp cultivation is legal and CBD is legal because there’s no explicit ban.


Luxembourg laws report that cannabis is legal if there’s less than 0.3% THC.

Is CBD oil legal in Luxembourg in 2020?

Yes. CBD is legal in Luxembourg if it contains less than 0.3% THC.


 Are CBD products legal in Malta in 2020? In 2015, Maltese laws restricted cannabis and CBD.

According to Maltese law, all cannabinoid from cannabis (marijuana or hemp) is controlled by the 2018 Drug Dependence Act. This legalizes medical cannabis for prescription use only.

Is CBD oil legal in Malta in 2020?

Yes. According to the Deputy Prime Minister, a licensed medical practitioner registered with the Health Care Professions Act, is entitled to prescribe medicinal preparations of cannabis products licensed under the Medicines Act or manufactured under Good Manufacturing Practice.


 Laws in Poland place no restrictions preventing CBD use. Hemp with less than 0.2% THC has been cultivated in Poland for hundreds of years.

Is CBD oil legal in Poland in 2020?

Yes. CBD has no explicit policy restricting use.


Portuguese law reports no explicit ban on CBD.

Is CBD oil legal in Portugal in 2020?

Yes. CBD is legal because there are no explicit restrictions.

The Republic of Cyprus

 Are CBD products legal in the Republic of Cyprus in 2020? Republic of Cyprus laws say, if there’s less than 0.2% THC, it’s permissible.

Is CBD oil legal in the Republic of Cyprus in 2020?

Yes. CBD is legal in the Republic of Cyprus.


 Romanian law states no explicit restrictions on CBD extracted from hemp.

Is CBD oil legal in Romania in 2020?

Yes. CBD is legal in Romania.


Slovakian law classifies CBD on the “Group 2” psychoactive narcotic list.

Is CBD oil legal in Slovakia in 2020?

No, CBD in Slovakia law clearly states CBD is an illegal psychoactive narcotic.


Slovenian law reports industrial hemp is exempt from the law with a limitation of less than 0.2% THC.

Is CBD oil legal in Slovenia in 2020?

Yes. CBD is legal in Slovenia if it has less than 0.2% THC.


Spain’s only laws restricting hemp are for farming and states the hemp must not exceed 0.2% THC when dry.

Is CBD oil legal in Spain in 2020?

Yes. Even though Spain’s CBD laws say hemp isn’t for consumption, there are external CBD product options available. CBD is not psychotropic and not covered by the 1971 UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances. CBD products are legal, while THC still remains illegal.


 Are CBD products legal in Sweden in 2020? Swedish law states hemp is not cannabis, nor is hemp THC.

Is CBD oil legal in Sweden in 2020?

Yes. CBD is legal and not explicitly placed on the banned-substance list.


 Swiss law states CBD is not psychoactive and therefore is not banned under the Swiss Narcotics Legislation.

Is CBD oil legal in Switzerland in 2020?

Yes. If there’s less than 1.0% THC, CBD products are legal.



We recommend PharmaHemp CBD products, check out

About Pharmahemp: Only supreme is good enough.


Pharmahemp is a pioneering European grower of organic hemp, a trusted GMP-certified producer and supplier of superior cannabidiol (CBD). Full traceability is guaranteed by the QC assured by the in-house analytical laboratory



Providing premium CBD products: Drops, Pastes & Balms.


GACP: Our crops are cultivated and certificated with Good Agricultural and Collection Practice.


GMP: Our products are produced and certified with Good Manufacture Practice.


Accreditation: In-house laboratory in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017


3rd party lab test: Our supreme quality is confirmed by independent laboratories.


Certified hemp seed: We only grow certified hemp.





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