Travelling For Health
Wednesday, 01 May, 2019

Travelling For Health

Author: Marianna Sulic

In many ways health is becoming a the new definition of wealth and we want it weaved into our downtime, into holidays, travel and family time. Perhaps it is the reason why retreats - more purposeful getaways, are an increasingly popular option for those seeking longer lasting change.



Retreats are great for single travellers too. They attract people with similar concerns or interests and, hence, offer you the opportunity to create memories with like-minded souls, looking to achieve the same goals as you. These people often act as your support system when you return home.


"Swab your saliva and have a boutique wines selected for your taste buds? It’s already happening."


It's not all about chilled out, rustic yoga or hard core detox venues. Top-end hotels are getting in on the game. Forward-thinking healthy hotel brands that tap into the ultimate health personalisation are future proofing the desirability of their destination.

Swab your saliva and have a boutique wines selected for your taste buds? It’s already happening. Send a stool sample to map your microbiome (the collective name for the bacteria that reside in the gut) and have a tailored eating plan to suit. Also already happening.

But is it not all about innovation. Remembering what it is to be a human being, rather than human doing is what a retreat means for most of us, and that’s a mindshift.

When I host my own juice fasting retreats the only rule for my guests it that they are selfish with their time on retreat. They are not there to keep others happy - rather, for once, it is about what they really want and need.
Most often, that wish list includes losing a few pounds and kick-starting healthy eating and exercise habits. Increasingly, retreat guests are also focused on a mental time out and a digital detox.

No matter what you are seeking, the best way to move forward is to retreat.

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