Krill Oil vs Fish Oil
Sunday, 19 September, 2021

Krill Oil vs Fish Oil

With more people becoming actively interested in their own health, food supplements have become a hot topic of discussion. Many people are aware of the benefits of omega fatty acids, and in this article, we will cover two of the best sources – krill oil and fish oil. Whilst people have been aware of fish oil being an excellent source of omega 3 and other nutrients for a while, krill oil is a relatively new type of supplement, which has emerged as an alternative source of omega 3 and other essential nutrients. 

The Difference Between Fish Oil and Krill Oil

Both fish oil and krill oil share a lot of the same health benefits, however, there are significant differences in terms of their structure, how they are fished, and how they can interact with our bodies.

Typically, fish oil is sourced from various cold water, deep ocean-farmed oily fish. Krill oil on the other hand is sourced from Antarctic krill found only in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica.

The biggest difference is the sources. Fish oil is made from fatty oily fish such as salmon, anchovies, and mackerel. Krill oil on the other hand is made from small crustaceans known as krill. Whilst both krill oil and fish oil are excellent sources of the omega 3 oils eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), they are formed differently, with the omegas taking the form of triglycerides in fish oil, and phospholipids in krill oil.

Triglycerides vs Phospholipids

Triglycerides and phospholipids are both lipids that serve specific functions in the body, however, they have different molecular structures and interact with us differently.

Triglycerides, which is the form found in fish oil, are a molecular structure that is esterified to a glycerol backbone and are considered fats. Triglycerides leave omega-3 in a more synthetic form that is less absorbed by the body. 

Phospholipids, which is the form that fatty acids take in krill oil, are not fats – unlike triglycerides. Phospholipids could be considered the preferable form, as they are more essential to the formation of lipid bilayers, which maintain the structure of cell membranes. Phospholipids also help to break down fats in the body and can also be absorbed by the body more quickly when compared to triglycerides.  

Benefits of Omega 3

People have become more aware of the benefits of omega 3 in recent years, and more people are understanding how essential it is for our diets. It’s recommended by the AHA that everyone should eat cold water fish at least twice a week in order to get the necessary amount of omega 3 fatty acids in our diet.

Omega 3 is beneficial for our health in several ways. Omega 3 is essential for heart health, as it helps to reduce inflammation throughout the body as well as lowering blood pressure. Inflammation and high blood pressure can both pose risks to your heart health and consuming omega 3 regularly can help to reduce these issues.

Omega 3 is also thought to be beneficial for your brain health. Consuming omega 3 could help protect against cognitive decline, whilst sharpening your memory, focus, and improving your mood. This is why it’s important for people dealing with depression or a low mood to ensure they are getting the recommended amount of omega 3 in their diet.

Some studies have also suggested that omega 3 fatty acids can be beneficial for eye health and vision. More specifically, studies have found that omega 3 can help protect from macular degeneration, dry eye syndrome and glaucoma. It’s also thought that omega 3 can help directly improve vision, specifically in babies and infants. 

Is Krill or Fish Oil Better?

It’s difficult to put a blanket answer on whether krill oil or fish oil is better, as it may be subjective for each person. Both are excellent sources of omega 3, however, krill oil is the cleaner source and is usually more concentrated and absorbed better by the body. We'd recommend trying both and seeing which works better for you.  

Why Choose Krill Oil?

You know the importance of omega 3, but you’re still not sure if you should choose krill oil over fish oil as your go-to source?

There are several reasons that krill oil has emerged as a popular alternative. One reason is that krill oil contains an additional type of antioxidant, known as astaxanthin, which most other omega 3 supplements do not. Astaxanthin can promote good cholesterol in the body and could be extra beneficial for heart health.

Krill oil can also be considered a better option in terms of the environmental impact it has. Firstly, krill is available in abundance, and is extremely low in the food chain, meaning harvesting it doesn’t interfere heavily with the food chain ecosystem. Krill oil can also be harvested in better conditions when compared to other omega 3 supplements. All Cleanmarine products contain krill oil that has been harvested from the pristine Antarctic Ocean, and the production methods have been certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) for being a sustainable fishery.

Because krill is sourced from the cleanest waters, krill oil products are less likely to contain traces of potentially harmful additions such as metals and other pollutants. Krill oil can be considered one of the cleanest sources of omega 3, with other fish oils being sourced from more polluted waters.

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