Repair and Rebuild
Monday, 30 January, 2023

Repair and Rebuild

Most athletes are fully aware about the importance of cellular health and a well balanced diet in helping their body to achieve its goals and operate at maximum efficiency. But while athletes and fitness fanatics from all walks of life are largely aware of the importance of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in keeping their bodys fit and in good working order, there are some specifics that are less understood and actively talked about.

One of those is Omega 3, more specifically the Omega-3 fatty acids known as DHA and EPA, both of which are responsible for promoting cellular health, high athletic performance and effective recovery.

With that said, lets take a closer look at these Omega 3 fatty acids and how they support the body as it both repairs and rebuilds after intense activity and sport.


What are EPA and DHA?

EPA and DHA are both Omega 3 fatty acids which contribute towards overall cellular health as well as many other things such as maintaining normal blood pressure, brain function and heart health.


What are the benefits of EPA and DHA for athletes?

You dont have to twist your ankle or suffer from a direct injury to find yourself needing anti-inflammatories as an athlete. High intensity training is enough to create the kind of stress in the body that causes damage to tissues and impacts immunity, as the body seeks to protect itself from the consequences of intense and high energy training and activity. As a result, athletes are often prone to poor immunity and to the increased risk of injury if they dont do enough to counteract this natural response which occurs when they train or workout.

The anti-inflammatory properties of Omega 3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA, which help to optimise the bodys ability to repair itself as well as contributing towards overall cellular health and heightened immunity, mean that these nutrients are crucial to not only repairing and rebuilding, but also protecting the body during high level activity.

But theres a problem. The body doesnt produce its own stores of these Omega 3 fatty acids – which means that we have to find external sources that work to our routine and individual needs.


How to boost your intake of Omega 3 fatty acids

There are a number of ways that both everyday consumers and professional athletes can and do enhance their intake of Omega 3 fatty acids and other such nutrients, with the first being through diet.

Oily fish is perhaps the best known source of Omega 3 in particular, while some fruit and vegetables like brussels sprouts and avocado contribute towards a natural store of Omega 3 when ingested regularly.

A more convenient and user-friendly way of enhancing your Omega 3 intake and access to DHA and EPA is through a high quality supplement – with Cleanmarine Krill Oil offering both an easy and accessible way of ensuring your body is getting what it needs on a daily basis.

Whether youre a marathon runner, a heavyweight champion, or an amateur weekend jogger, access to the right nutrients is what nurtures optimum cellular health, improved recovery, and in turn better results. Invest in your health via the simplest building blocks and watch how these small changes impact the big results.   

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