The Menopause Blog

Three surprising symptoms of the menopause

While there’s plenty of information about the most common symptoms of the menopause from hot flushes, to anxiety and low...

Are herbal teas good for the menopause?

Hot flushes and night sweats could leave you feeling dehydrated and thirsty whilst caffeine is likely to increase symptom severity so Susie Debice reveals which herbal teas are best suited for the menopause…

The Menopause & Varicose Veins

How can changing hormone levels increases the risk of varicose veins for post-menopausal women? We suggest some easy-to-follow nutrition and lifestyle tips to support the health, strength, flexibility and integrity of blood vessel walls for menopausal women concerned with varicose veins.  

How to Send Menopausal Symptoms packing!

Your menopause could last for years so if you were burying your head in the sand in 2019 then now is the time to face facts about your hormonal transition. The start of a new year brings the opportunity to wipe the slate clean, get clued up and put into action five easy nutrition and lifestyle menopause busting tips so that you can sail through 2020 without a flush in sight!

Your Libido and What to Expect in the Menopause…

Finding ways to come to terms with your changing body shape, maintaining flexibility and discovering how to be intimate as you both move into a more mature phase of life certainly needs to be discussed if you want to keep the sparks alight.

Are you getting enough B-vitamins?

When it comes to the menopause and feeling fatigued it could be worth you while considering what your B-vitamin status is. This group of vitamins can be easily depleted by stress and a busy lifestyle and are essential for supporting energy, mind and mood…