What is Women’s Health?
Women's health differs from that of men in many unique ways. Every stage of womanhood comes with a new set of hormonal changes and challenges. In days gone by women’s health issues were not openly discussed, however in recent years, women are now empowered with all the ‘know-how’ to smoothly transition through puberty into the later years of perimenopause & menopause and to shout about it along the way!
Period Positivity
Periods can bring with them emotional or physical symptoms which make it impossible to continue with daily life as normal month on month! Typical symptoms can include decreased energy levels, feelings of irritability and depression, altered sex drive, and physical symptoms such as headaches, breast and abdominal pain, backache, breakouts, feeling bloated and water retention.
Through extensive clinical research Cleanmarine® for Women has become a proven solution to effectively reduce these symptoms. It is a phospholipid omega 3 based supplement which provides excellent levels of two omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA alongside rosemary oil, vitamin D and vitamins B1, B2 and B6 which all positively affect hormone balance, energy levels and skin health.
Monitoring symptoms over this period, results at the end of the three month clinical research found an average 69% improvement of these symptoms.
Breakdown stats of improvement of individual symptoms:
Breast Tenderness – 81% less
Forgetfulness – 77% less
Anxiety – 70% less
Headaches – 70% less
Skin Outbreaks – 69% less
If you want to ready the full study, please visit http://bit.ly/LPqi5q
Marvellous Midlife!
Women used to see menopause as an ending but as attitudes shift & knowledge increases many are starting to see it as the beginning of the next fabulous phase of life as a woman, in part due to the range of tools now available to support women through this phase of life from HRT to natural supplement to talking therapies, the options are wide & varied.
During perimenopause & menopause your body undergoes several hormonal changes which are responsible for the change in how you are feeling. Oestrogen levels start to fall as do progesterone levels and this can mean changes in your hair, skin, energy, sleep and hormones. This can continue for several months or years or vary from month to month; it can also be dependent on factors such as stress, sleep, exercise and your diet. But with the right diet and nutritional support you can help to manage the way you feel.
Cleanmarine® MenoMin was created. It is formulated using highly absorbable Omega 3 phospholipids combined with key ingredients including Vitamin D3, B Vitamins, Folate, Biotin, Soy Isoflavones, Rosemary Oil. This synergistic combination is ideal for menopausal and peri-menopausal women, helping to regulate hormonal activity.
The effectiveness of these ingredients were tested in an open- label pilot study to assess the effectiveness of Cleanmarine MenoMin in relieving the most worrying of symptoms of the menopause including, but limited to: hot flushes, difficulty sleeping, mood swings, lack of sex drive, anxiety, tiredness and vaginal dryness. Over the 4 month trial 84% of women felt that Cleanmarine® MenoMin had a positive effect on their menopause symptomsoverall
77% reduction in Hot Flushes – for whom severe hot flushes were an issue, 77% saw a significant reduction in 30 days and continued to reduce throughout the study duration.
66% improvement in Sexual Desire – for those who felt their menopause had a negative impact on their sexual desire, 66% of them noticed a significant improvement in sexual desire by the end of the study
82% of women would recommend Cleanmarine® MenoMin to a friend.
If you want to read the full study, please visit: https://bit.ly/2tVbN7M
Take a look at some of the reviews from women like you then try it & see for yourself. It works!