Reishi + CBD Chocolate Bark with Fruits & Seeds
Tuesday, 30 November, 2021

Reishi + CBD Chocolate Bark with Fruits & Seeds

Author: Lauren Lovatt


100g cacao butter, finely chopped

100g cacao paste, finely chopped

50g Coconut sugar, powdered

3 reishi capsules, powder only

3 pipettes Pharma Hemp, cherry CBD

1 tsp dried rosemary

1 tsp smoked salt


250g chocolate


2 hours

This chocolate bark is the perfect festive gift or seasonal treat. Packed with potent plants and herbs to bring a melting moment of joy to any day.


Heat a small saucepan filled with water on a medium heat.

Place the cacao paste and butter in a dry metal (or heatproof) bowl and place this on top of the saucepan filled with simmering water.

Stir with a dry spoon until the cacao has melted.

Take the bowl from the heat and add the sugar, Reishi and CBD, stirring thoroughly to mix.

Line a large baking tray with baking paper and pour the chocolate onto the paper letting it flow and spread out then sprinkle over the herbs and salt.

Leave to set at room temperature until hard to touch and then store in a sealed container.

NOTE it is important to make sure no water gets into the chocolate mixture because if it does the chocolate will seize.

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